2019 Novena for Peace Day 1: Love in a Time of Conflict

The World Mirrors Me

apples and mirrorGreat spiritual teachers have used metaphors of mirrors to describe how we encounter reality. One such metaphor is that the world reflects back to us what we project out to it. If we project love, compassion, and mercy we will see love, compassion, and mercy mirrored back to us. If we project fear, anger, and hate we, those things will be reflected back to us.

This is why it is so very important to be at peace in our own hearts, even in trying circumstances. Especially in trying circumstances.

“Love In a Time of Conflict”

Irish priest and poet, John O’Donohue wrote a poem called For Love in a Time of Conflict in his book To Bless the Space Between Us that I think is an excellent blessing to begin this new year, whether we’re looking to heal conflict close to home (the best place to begin) or in the larger world.

When the gentleness between you hardens

And you fall out of your belonging with each other,

May the depths you have reached hold you still.


When no true word can be said, or heard,

And you mirror each other in the script of hurt,

When even the silence has become raw and torn,

May you hear again an echo of your first music.


When the weave of affection starts to unravel

And anger begins to sear the ground between you,

Before this weather of grief invites

The black seed of bitterness to find root,

May your souls come to kiss.


Now is the time for one of you to be gracious,

To allow a kindness beyond thought and hurt,

Reach out with sure hands

To take the chalice of your love,

And carry it carefully through this echoless waste

Until this winter pilgrimage leads you

Toward the gateway to spring.

Questions for Reflection & Meditation

Below are the questions for meditation and reflection from the Novena for Peace Ritual , Questions, & Prayers post:

  • When was I able to experience love, compassion, and/or forgiveness today; where was the Sacred One in that?
  • Was I able to be the face of Divine Love for others, showing compassion or forgiveness?
  • Thinking over my day, did I miss an opportunity to offer compassion or forgiveness?
  • Did I look for and see the face of God in others, accepting God’s love from them?
  • In what ways small or large have I been an instrument of peace? Where was God present in that?
  • What robbed me of my peace today?  Can I find God there too?
  • Do I let God call to me in my frustration, anger, confusion, and hurt? Do I let God in when I am not perfect?
  • Is there someone who needs the compassion or forgiveness that I uniquely can give? Is there someone whose understanding and forgiveness I need? What must I surrender or embrace to allow that to come to pass?
  • Do I trust Divine Love enough to give freely of myself without expectation of understanding, forgiveness, or love in return?