I was half way through my early morning speed-walk and about to tackle a long hill when a white pickup truck turned the corner. I was walking in the street with cars parked on both sides so I ducked into an empty spot to let the truck pass. The truck was moving too slowly though, so I had sidled along the next parked car again by the time the truck came abreast and matched my speed. When it did I noticed a public utility logo on the door and woman behind the wheel who had thick fiery auburn hair that cascaded over her bright yellow safety vest.
She had a huge smile that reflected the joy in her voice as she playfully shouted “Mornin . . .” over the rumble of the engine straining on its slow uphill ride. She then chortled, “. . . are we having a race?” I took her cue and started to jog and she threw her head back in laughter and pressed her accelerator and said, “My speedometer is broken!” and I said back, “No, it just doesn’t register ’cause I just run too slow.” She laughed again and wished me a great morning and a good day before she said to herself, “now where do I start this morning?”
And boom, just then, I realized she was the blessing from an unspoken prayer. . . an angel with red hair.
I had started my walk rather exhausted even after a good night’s sleep. The beauty of the trees in my neighborhood and the pray-as-you-go music and reflection I was listening to had helped some. But it was the playfulness in that woman’s voice and demeanor that made me remember that life doesn’t have to be so serious.
Life is a festival of joy to be savored every day. There may be moments of darkness but joy, beauty, and wonder are still available to us if we take just a moment to look for them.

The woman in the truck with the hearty laugh, a woman who was kind enough to greet a stranger one cool early morning, was like an angel who reminded me not to take myself so seriously. Take a moment to play. To see beauty. To be at peace.
Before I finished my walk, I decided to stop to take a few pictures. Seriousness, work, and all the issues that needed my attention could wait just a moment more.
Savoring playfulness and beauty as a way to care for my soul is just as important as everything else that needs my attention today.